@media - Part the Second

— 2 minute read

The evening social of the first night was fun, but too damn loud. If I'm at a conference I expect to be able to hear myself think. Yes, I'm aware that makes me sound about eighty.

Day two kicked kicked off with Dan Cederholm's talk on Bulletproof web design. To be honest it's was all stuff you should be doing anyway if you consider yourself a pro, but it was engagingly presented.

The Javascript panel was a look at differing opinions on the various libraries that have been popping up all over the place, like Dojo or Prototype. I've tried a few of them, but never really found anything that didn't overcomplicate things. I tend to agree with PPK, that a good solid set of helper functions are more useful, but the panelists made good cases for when you might want to use 'em.

Molly Holzschlag presented an excellent talk on Internationalisation. It's one of those areas that I've not really looked into much, but been aware it was something I should know more about. Molly made an great case for doing that pretty quickly.

The strategic CSS management panel was full of questions, but not many definitive answers. Comment your code, organise sensibly and find a method that works for you were the main take-aways. It was fascinating to see the alternative approaches though.

Tantek Celik's talk on Microformats was the most enlightening of the presentations for me. I'd not really touched on them and the explanation of the logic behind them seems to be one of those things that works much better in person. It's telling that one of my recent thoughts at work was, "gosh I could make those events pages all microformat events."